
Word of the day

Word of the day

“The vaccination for children (15-18) programme that begins today will be met with relief by schools and parents who had been worried about the delay on this front.  The closure of schools has dire long-term implications.”

-The Times of India- Editorial – January 2, 2022

Today’s word of the day is….


Part of Speech: Adjective

Meaning: very serious or extreme

Examplesfrom the Cambridge Dictionary

1.These people are in dire need of help.

2. He gave a dire warning that an earthquake was imminent.

3. This decision will have dire consequences for local people

The following is from Merriam Webster Dictionary

Essential Meaning of dire

1very bad: causing great fear or worry

(a) Even the smallest mistake could have dire [=terribledreadful] consequences.

(b) a dire emergency

2. warning of disaster: showing a very bad future

(a) Some analysts are issuing dire economic forecasts. 

(b) a dire prediction/warning

3. requiring immediate action very urgent

(a) The government is in dire[=desperate] need of reform.

(b) dire necessity

 From the Cambridge Dictionary

Idiom : in dire straits

Meaning: in a very badsituation that is difficult to fix

Example: These kids are in dire straits, and the schools are doing nothing to help them! 

Top tip to improve vocabulary

Learn a new word with as many examples as possible to know the context in which you can correctly use it.  This way, you will start using the Word of the day!


Check if you are able to frame at least two sentences using the word DIRE.